On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 00:49:01 -0500 Joshua Brindle wrote: | Ciaran McCreesh wrote: | >GLEP 34 (category metadata) [1] is now fully implemented. Well, I say | >fully. Actually, it isn't, since I don't have write access to the | >sec-policy directory. | > | With good reason.. What, you're still claiming that the hardened project has 'grown beyond' Gentoo? *shrug* if you want to make yourselves out as a different distribution from the rest of us then that's fine by me. I'd be more than happy to completely ignore anything to do with selinux if you prefer -- it'd halve the time it takes me to bump certain packages. | Don't care or read what? Most developers can't track of -dev even a | little, if something mandatory was suppose to be done certainly it | should have been said on -core and then directly to people who have to | do it themselves (hardened), Getting on -dev and defaming us just | makes you look like an ass. I had a metadata.xml file written out for sec-policy and everything, but thanks to those utterly pointless CVS restrictions I couldn't commit it. Really, what's the reason behind keeping the lock in place, other than that it makes you feel special? As you've seen, I and several others who aren't part of your elite posse have entirely legitimate reasons for touching things in there on occasion. We all already have more than enough access to totally kill the tree anyway (including being able to force an overwrite of anything installed by sec-policy/*), so you can't claim security. *shrug* Maybe you should just switch to using your own tree rather than trusting anything that's coming from us mere mortals. -- Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (Vim, Fluxbox, shell tools) Mail : ciaranm at gentoo.org Web : http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm