On Monday 21 March 2005 11:47, Martin Schlemmer wrote: > > >> 3) libungif does some weird thing where it deletes the giflib header > > >> file > > >> (probably because they aren't blocking each other?) > > > > > > Huh??? > > > > /usr/include/gif_lib.h > > If they now do this, then somebody broke them recently: > > ----- > nosferatu linux-2.6-bk # epm -ql libungif | grep include > nosferatu linux-2.6-bk # epm -ql giflib | grep include > /usr/include/gif_lib.h > nosferatu linux-2.6-bk # > ----- They don't blindly overwrite each other. If USE gif is set libungif installs gif_lib.h; otherwise giflib installs it. (Or the other way around, I'm not sure anymoer). If you change the value of USE gif between installing giflib and libungif, you can get a system with no gif_lib.h, or a system where both packages install it, overwriting it. (It's not checksum-identical between the two packages.) Do read bug 18820. I filed it about this two years ago and nothing changed since. -- Dan Armak Gentoo Linux developer (KDE) Public GPG key: http://dev.gentoo.org/~danarmak/danarmak-gpg-public.key Fingerprint: DD70 DBF9 E3D4 6CB9 2FDD 0069 508D 9143 8D5F 8951