Marius Mauch wrote: [Fri Mar 11 2005, 10:28:03AM CST] > Agreed, but being able to have potential/unfinished gleps available (so > you can check them by url, but not by clicking a link on the index) > would be nice so people who are asked by glep authors to > proofread/comment/poop on a new glep don't have to remember all the > custom d.g.o URLs. Another thing is that I'd like to update it directly > and not to have to send diffs/new versions to some gatekeeper instance. > So maybe direct commit access for devs (as mentioned in GLEP1) with some > special magic for the index page? Sounds good to me. -g2boojum- -- Grant Goodyear Gentoo Developer GPG Fingerprint: D706 9802 1663 DEF5 81B0 9573 A6DC 7152 E0F6 5B76