Ian Leitch wrote: [Fri Mar 11 2005, 09:50:01AM CST] > The effort required to get GLEPs even posted on glep.g.o is enough to > put some people off. Really? It's usually just a matter of e-mailing me. I read through it, and if I see that the GLEP fails to answer some questions that I predict will arise, I will generally mention it to the GLEP author and suggest that such issues be addressed, even it is just to add a section labeled "open questions". Very occasionally I will mention to an author that I don't think a GLEP is actually needed, and suggest that the author just talk to the appropriate person and implement it. I don't believe that I have ever outright refused a GLEP, or even added more than a day to the time for it to be posted. Most of these issues are moot, however, because in many cases GLEP authors prefer to post an informal GLEP on -dev first, gather comments, and then submit a formal GLEP after an initial revision. > I propose that a dev is free to upload a GLEP in any state of > completeness/correctness as they wish, devs can then vote on said GLEP. > If the GLEP author makes changes, devs then vote again on that revision. > This system also gives power back to the devs (and users if they're > allowed to vote) and away from the GLEP editors. It's worth noting that a GLEP author need not be a dev, so those people, of course, would always require a surrogate to submit/revise GLEPs. As for devs being able to upload/revise GLEPs, I'm not opposed. The reason that devs cannot update their own GLEPs right now is purely technical: the GLEP page is part of the www tree, and that tree has fairly strict permissions. If opening up the GLEP directory isn't too much of a pita for infra, I certainly won't oppose it. I would still prefer that GLEPs be run by one of the editors before being posted, since we may be able to help, but I wouldn't insist on it. I would be very sad, though, if people took advantage of a more liberal policy to post poorly-thought-out junk. -g2boojum- -- Grant Goodyear Gentoo Developer g2boojum@gentoo.org http://www.gentoo.org/~g2boojum GPG Fingerprint: D706 9802 1663 DEF5 81B0 9573 A6DC 7152 E0F6 5B76