Alin Nastac wrote: [Wed Mar 09 2005, 05:57:15PM EST] > No gentooer > expects from a ~arch ebuild to be stable, so the sky would not fall if > you made a mistake and release it under this keyword. When I hear "I > cannot mark foo library as ~arch because I don't know how to test it" > smells like excuse to me. Earlier you said that you mark ebuilds stable after 30 days with no bugs. Now you're suggesting that marking ~arch by mistake isn't a big deal. I don't wish to beat up on you further, but this viewpoint can lead to stable ebuilds in the tree that don't even build over the course of one month (other than February ;-) > As for QA... does anyone think we *can* have proper QA procedures, > with our release speed and decentralized development model? And with > only ... 350 devs from which God knows how many are still active? > :-D Who thinks that clearly doesn't have a clue what QA means. It is > practically impossible to test every combination of > ebuilds/USE/CFLAGS so all we do is a surface test, letting the > burden of testing on the shoulders of our users. You're right, we don't have real QA yet. But it's still better to try the best we can rather than marking things blindly on the basis that "we don't have QA anyway" Regards, Aron -- Aron Griffis Gentoo Linux Developer