Afternoon list, I'm happy to be able to announce another developer has joined the team. His name is Eric Edgar, and some of you may know him as rocket on IRC. Anyway, I'll let his mentor, Chris Gianelloni, do the talking: """ Eric has been suckered into working for Release Engineering, doing development for both catalyst and genkernel, and hopes to add proper Xen support to Gentoo. He has already made some pretty amazing patches, which you all will get to abuse as new capabilities on the 2005.0 release. He codes in python, perl, bash, and some C, so if you guys need a code monkey of your own, he's taken... ;] Eric comes from a planet we affectionately call Ppbbbb't, but that most of you know as Minnesota, where he spends his days slaving as a Unix Administrator for an unnamed telecommunications company. Eric is engaged to be married in May. When he's not working or pleasing the missus, he enjoys reading and going to movies, along with *gasp* outdoors activities like snowmobiling, four-wheeling, and skydiving. He's been hanging around #-releng enough to know to fear the goats, but he hasn't been hit with it quite yet, so we all can welcome him "properly". """ So, everyone give me and Chris a hand in welcoming Eric to the team. Cheers, Tom -- Tom Martin Gentoo Developer: AMD64, net-mail, shell-tools, recruiters GnuPG public key ID: 0xB5C4FF89 ( Key Fingerprint: 055F A0F4 D4C6 AD9E 40E8 2EAC 8F92 A284 B5C4 FF89