maillog: 08/12/2004-07:52:19(+0900): Georgi Georgiev types > maillog: 07/12/2004-19:59:05(+0000): Ferris McCormick types > > 6. NOTE: The two 'is_kernel' tests produce error messages, but (for me, > > at any rate) ebuild operation is correct anyway. I have not > > investigated further, but as I recall, the messages were: > > [: wrong number of arguments (for the check kernel-2.2.x) > > Command '*' not understood > > This is what I had in my overlay while testing the ebuild yesterday. > The linux-info.eclass kernel_is() should only return an exit code so its > output should not be looked at. I.e. those "[" and "$(" are not needed. Ah, well, linux-info broke in the meantime, that's all. -- / Georgi Georgiev / A year spent in artificial intelligence is / \ \ enough to make one believe in God. \ / +81(90)6266-1163 / /