Christian Parpart wrote: [Thu Nov 25 2004, 05:49:25PM CST] > I recently came into an issue of the ebuild names. usually I > write them all lower case (that is: as-is), but recently, I > run into packages to be submittet, that HavE different cAsEs. > Namely the freedesktop's xlibs and xserver. > > In xlibs, there're packages called libXcomposite, libX11 etc.. > I'd like to preserve the case in portage, too since doing > everything in lowercase doesn't really enheance readability > overall, and we already have (especially on dev-perl) packages > that also have upper-cases anyway. > > So, what's the policy on it? As the developer handbook states: "[the package name] should contain lowercase letters, the digits 0-9, and any number of single hyphen, underscore, or plus characters. [...] We have some packages in Portage that don't follow these rules, but _your_ packages should". The long-standing policy is, indeed, that all package names should be lowercase, and a bit of of bash trickery, MY_P=${P/FooBar/foobar}, makes following this policy pretty straightforward. Perl packages are an (unwritten) exception to this rule mainly for historical reasons. Hope that helps, g2boojum -- Grant Goodyear Gentoo Developer GPG Fingerprint: D706 9802 1663 DEF5 81B0 9573 A6DC 7152 E0F6 5B76