On Tuesday 28 September 2004 21:41, Vitaly Ivanov wrote: > -download and unpack to separate dir stage1 and last portage snapshot > -may be mount --bind dev and proc and chroot > -change profile via symlink > -edit make.conf (CFLAGS="-march=c3 -O3 -pipe" FEATURES="buildpkg") > some-other-bootstrap.sh > emerge system > emerge --buildpkg  windowmaker , emerge --buildpkg mozilla and emerge > --buildpkg some-package again > export or copy all .tbz2 packages to ViaC3 hosts > install .tbz2 packages by emerge --usepkgonly package-name on ViaC3 As an athlonxp should be able to run c3 code you shouldn't need to crosscompile and this setup will work (in most cases, mplayer is(at least used to be) an exception). If you need to crosscompile the status is harder. There should be some limited support for crosscompiling in gcc-config, but this is not really well supported currently. Paul -- Paul de Vrieze Gentoo Developer Mail: pauldv@gentoo.org Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net