On Monday 27 September 2004 23:00, Sven Wegener wrote: > Hi, > > I created a script that checks all metadata.xml herd tags against the > official herd list (gentoo/misc/herds.xml) which is kept in CVS. The > list of metadata.xml files that specify a non-existent herd can be > found at: > > http://dev.gentoo.org/~swegener/packages-with-non-existent-herd > > If you find a package on that list, that belongs to one of your herds > or to a category you maintain, please fix the metadata.xml. Either by > correcting the metadata.xml or by getting in contact with the Gentoo > Metastructue Project to set up a herd. Actually you can just register your herd in the gentoo cvs module (/misc/herds.xml). All current herds are also in that file and biweekly copied to http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/metastructure/herds/herds.xml . Please however do not set up a herd for a single package. The packages in a herd should have some kind of similarity. Also do not give packages to a herd you are not a member of without consulting that herd. Paul -- Paul de Vrieze Gentoo Developer Mail: pauldv@gentoo.org Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net