GENTOO-BUGGER IS NOT AN OFFICIAL GENTOO PROJECT Sorry for the caps, but I wanted that to be clear from the start so there wasn't any confusion. I'm looking for testers of gentoo-bugger. Anyone interested please give it a whirl, report any bugs, complaints, RFF's, etc. Please email me directly with questions - I'm subscribed to -dev, but am horrible at reading my mailing list mail in a timely fashion. What is it? Gentoo-Bugger is a commandline, perl application for interfacing with an existing bugzilla account on Gentoo's Bug server. Gentoo-Bugger does not create an account for you; it could, but at this time that seems like a bad idea (easily abused). Gentoo-Bugger simulates a web connection to the bugzilla server, allowing you to create new bugs, edit (if you're a dev?) existing bugs, show bugs, upload attachments, download attachments, etc., etc., etc. Pretty much *almost* all of the functionality you have with a web browser, but on the command line in one shot fashion. In addition, bugger will support multiple accounts for bugzilla. The idea here is that it could potentially be used with other bugzilla systems (this is neither tested nor confirmed, and known not to be true in the case of mozilla's bugzilla system). Its a theory anyway. Why? There are users and devs out there, and you know who you are, who need to be able to access bugs quickly, update a bug fast, without the overhead and interface of a web browser. Where? You will want to download the gentoo-bugger-testing package. This is in fact newer than the point release listed and contains additions and fixes not found elsewhere (heh). What else? The real "functionality" of Gentoo-Bugger is all located in a perl module. So if you know perl, and feel like hacking away at figuring out how my brain works, and how poorly I can write a module, the perl module itself (installs into the Gentoo::Bugger namespace) can be used for other purposes, such as pulling and rdf feed from your current bugs, generating calender items, etc. Some of this will be released in sample code eventually (one project at a time), but for the intrepid masochist the raw tool is there now. Gentoo-Bugger is an adaptation of Andy Lester's WWW::Bugzilla module, so if you are familiar with the source for that, you will see some repetition. The reason for the departure is that WWW::Bugzilla was designed for the creation and editing of bugs only - Gentoo::Bugger is a little broader in scope, with the intention of truly interacting with the bugzilla system. What do you need to install it? dev-perl/WWW-Mechanize-1* (tested with 1.0301 and 1.02) dev-perl/HTML-Strip dev-perl/config-general Is there an ebuild? Not yet. There will be one once this is out of testing, and it will be submitted to the tree in the traditional fashion - via bugzilla, for review by other devs. Hubris is a beautiful thing, so I don't feel comfortable being both the author and a dev to handle its review for portage. Bug reporting? Do NOT report bugs about this on It's not in portage. It's not fair to any one else on the perl team (or other affected teams). Please report all bugs on sourceforge in the project's area. Any known bugs? Not really that I am aware of. 2 "missing features" (not really bugs) are 1) Help page mentions a tk invocation. This is not available yet due to drastic changes in the original architecture. I have to start that part over again (if there is even interest) 2) It needs better error messages. Sometimes its informative, sometimes not. Ok, I think that's everything. Let me know if you have any questions, and thanks for reading such a long ramble :) -Mike