Here's a little eclass I wrote the other day while out duck hunting with a judge: The idea is to make it easier for people to get rid of a load of those nasty global scope sed / cut calls. Actually, I lied. The idea is to stop people from pestering me at 3am asking how to replace the second hyphen with an underscore. You could, of course, write a load of bash voodoo like certain ebuilds do already. This leads to headaches though, especially when people get it wrong... Any use? Worth committing? I've got a few things that currently do bash magic that could be converted over for readability purposes, and I know others are in a similar situation... Suggestions welcomed, especially if they come with patches. -- Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (Sparc, MIPS, Vim, Fluxbox) Mail : ciaranm at Web :