A "DEPEND atom" is the term used in the portage(5) and ebuild(5) man pages to describe an expression of the type: ">=app-sci/emboss-2.9.0" (a category and a package, with optional logical operator and version). It is the syntax used in the ebuilds' "DEPEND" variable, and in many Portage configuration files, such as "package.use". On Thursday, 2 September, 2004 09:36 pm, Anton Starikov wrote: > Probably some misunderstanding from my side. What you mean with "atom" ? > just "app" in my terms? If no, can you explain? > > Basically, I think best case - is when you can specify one of: > > some-cat/app (this MUST be, because we have doubling of names for some > pkgs) =some-cat/app-1.2.3 (this also MUST be, because of SLOTed pkgs, some > bugs workaround and so on) > app (this is not really necessary I guess, I would suggest to not have > it at all) -- Olivier Fisette (ribosome) Gentoo Developer