On Mon, Aug 09, 2004 at 09:04:48PM -0400 or thereabouts, Olivier Crete wrote: > Having a stable system double or tripes the amount of work every time > anyways because we need to test on each "stable tree".. Newer versions > might not work anyways.. CVS work is very little compared to testing > work. I've said this before and I'll say it again. This GLEP has NOTHING to do with QA. No additional QA is going to be done on this stable tree above and beyond what we already do. Yes, we need more QA and yes, the stable project needs an extra dose of it. That's a job for a separate GLEP, however. This GLEP is the *first step* towards an enterprise/stable version of Gentoo. It is not intended to be an all-encompassing solution to it. > The problem with that is that the tree for stable users will start > growing and they will start getting lots of old crap... And it doesnt > give us separation of "base" and "updates" that I think many "corporate" > types want.. That's controlled through the profile. Save a copy of your profile when you first create the server and you have your "base" system. --kurt