Hi, I've wrote a similar thing. Btw it's more a quick hack than a complete end-user solution but it works fine. http://dev.gentoo.org/~gmsoft/tools/gm-etc-update To use it you _MUST_ first have a clean system and run it once. That means no file have to be updated via etc-update when you run it for the first time because it have to build the MD5 database. Once this is done, simply run it but beware : -It will update unmodified files without asking -It will update "trivial updates" withour asking -It may not be bugless but I use it on ~10 box here and it always worked as expected Enjoy :) On Tue, 10 Aug 2004 12:43:26 +0200 "Joerg Hoh" wrote: > > Hi > > I'm unhappy with the etc-update script. In my eyes it lacks at least > one necessary feature: > > Detection of unmodified config-files > > When I recently updated my sytem, it gave me more than 200 files to > look at. That is impossible, since in most cases I never heard of such > a file(and therefor I don't undestand what that file means). So I did > a quick look over the list, found nothing relevant to me and and did > "-5". Well, after that I wonderd why my mails were rejected. Oh, I've > overseen/etc/ssmtp.conf! Bad thing, with the default config it doesn't > work. > > My proposal is that we keep a list of configfiles and their md5 > hashes. etc-update maintains this list. We now have several cases: > > * etc-update detects that we emerged a package which wasn't present > and we > have new config files. So etc-update does the md5-hashing and puts > the hash into the hash-file. > * etc-update want's to install a new config-file and an > config-file is already present. Then it hashes the present > config-file and compares the hash to the hash already present in the > hash-file.- If the hashes differs, it asks the user what to do (as > it now happens > with every config-file). If the user wants to replace the old, > user-modified config-file with the new one, the hash for the new > config-file is written to the hash-file. > - If the hashes are identical, it replaces the old config-file with > the > new one and updates the hash-file. > > I've looked at the etc-update script, but since I'm not good at > shell-scripting, I decided to rewrite it in python. Not all is done > yet, and I don't wanto to do unneeded work if someone wants to enhance > the shell-script. > > You find my python version at http://www.devone.org/linux/gentoo.html > > Another extension would be versioning of configuration files via > cvs/rcs, subversion or arch. But I had to do some more work on that > ... > > Joerg, mostly happy gentoo user > > > -- > Fachbegriffe der Informatik (Nr 152): PORN > - Poster Ohne Richtigen Namen > > -- Guy Martin Gentoo Linux - HPPA port Lead / IPv6 team Lug Charleroi (Belgium)