On Saturday 07 August 2004 01:57, Jason Stubbs wrote: > > I, too, am working on a portage-ng. It's called portage. Presently, I'm > near finishing a new dependency resolver that supports: > * Ranged deps > * USE-based atoms > * SLOT-based atoms > * SLOT upgrades > * Full circular dependency support > > Even with all that, a full dependency tree is built with all circular > dependencies resolved in about 6 seconds, where currently emerge takes > about 2 seconds. I can't see a way to get USE-based SLOTs in without at > least doubling that figure (which is incidentally the time that 2.0.50 > took). I'm open to suggestions on how to get around it. I don't have a dependency resolver at all yet (I've been working on the general architecture and parsing of ebuilds. I'll be happy to help out where I can. Paul -- Paul de Vrieze Gentoo Developer Mail: pauldv@gentoo.org Homepage: http://www.devrieze.net