Hey All, I've done the final release of the Metadata_XML.py file. This one fully conforms to the dtd on the site. The only major change, besides the code clean-up, is the handling of the description type fields. The new description fields are stored in dictionaries with the key being the lang attribute from the xml document. I've also rearranged my site a little, so this is the new link to the page. Homepage: http://evvl.rustedhalo.net/software/gentoo/#metadata -- Eric Olinger Public Key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xF90FBBC1 Key fingerprint: B678 9E22 1161 51CF 6664 7591 6767 5BDB F90F BBC1 Give a man a password, he'll log in for a day. Teach him to code, and he will hack his way in...