Quoth ebrewer@cloudmark.com (Mon 2004-05-17 04:51:17PM -0700): > Thank you for the links Nick. I actually have been reviewing > these for the last hour or so, but nowhere do I see a component > which allows for a series of commands to be run. Back in January > in this post: > > http://www.mail-archive.com/gentoo-dev%40gentoo.org/msg01977.html > > A suggestion was brought up that it would be nice to have a > scriptable component to allow automated installations. Once again, > in reading the given links, I did not see the capability anywhere. > Is this something I would need to shoehorn into a build? Evan, My Faketoo script might get you started: http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic.php?t=166358 It demonstrates how to build a Gentoo system non-interactively. -- Josh Glover Gentoo Developer (http://dev.gentoo.org/~jmglov/) Tokyo Linux Users Group Listmaster (http://www.tlug.jp/) GPG keyID 0xDE8A3103 (C3E4 FA9E 1E07 BBDB 6D8B 07AB 2BF1 67A1 DE8A 3103) gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys DE8A3103