Hi all, Sorry for the late post on some of theese, the last couple of weeks have been rather....interesting to say the least. Josh Grebe (squash) Josh has come to join the gentoo team from St. Louis, MO. Josh will be helping out the sparc team. He has been using linux since the days of kernel 1.2. Josh has made several contributions to openap-ng. Josh works as a systems programmer, and has a wife and 2 cats. He enjoys bicycling, motorcycling, roller blading, running, swimming, and dumpster diving. (hmm, do I want to know what that is?:) Josh Glover (jmglov) Josh has come to join the gentoo team to help out with ebuilds. I'll let him tell you about himself.:) I am currently employed by Twenty First Century Communications (http://www.tfcci.com/), a Columbus, Ohio-based telecommunications company, as a Software Engineer. I serve as Listmaster for the Tokyo Linux Users Group (http://www.tlug.jp/). I am married-- and have been for a year and a half now--to a Bulgarian girl. I enjoy sports of all kinds, but especially football (AKA soccer), to which I am quite addicted. Living in America, I am forced to play EA Sports' FIFA series on my PS2 and watch MLS whenever ESPN2 deigns to show it. I like being outdoors, reading, writing (both fiction and essays), drinking fine beers (fine !~ /budweiser|miller|coors/i), driving my Honda Civic EX, travelling, and of course, coding. Carsten Lohrke (carlo) Carson has come to join the gentoo team from hamburg, germany. He will be helping out in dev-python. Gentoo is carson's first open source project. Carson says that he is passionated tea drinker. I'd like to thank theese new devs for putting up with my insanity for the last couple of weeks. Please help me welcome them to gentoo!:) -- Gentoo Linux: dmwaters@gentoo.org, http://www.gentoo.org Freenode staff member: dmwaters@freenode.net , http://www.freenode.net