The amazing marvellous always late project is now ready to be announced! What is it: It started as an automated regression test of the tree, I wanted to see how much worked and didn't. From there it moved on to provide GRP builds for fast install, Got a webpage and an ftp, and suddenly had a pretty nice infrastructure in place with mailinglists and all. Here's what it is : Testing, Beta, Trial, premade binaries of common tools in a Gentoo installation. Here's what it isn't : Official Gentoo Project. This was started by me to see how viable it is, and its not an official Gentoo project. Here's how to use it : Edit /etc/make.conf add PORTAGE_BINHOST as one of the following : emerge -gkvp gnome (For example) Here's what's needed: A pentium 2 class processor. That is "i686", so all Pentium3, Pentium4, Athlon, Athlon-xp should work nicely. This was a tradeoff we had to make due to resource limitations. Here it is : Q/A: My favourite package isn't included! - Doesn't build reliably in an automated environment? - I hadn't thought about it. Things break. Foo doesn't start! - run revdep-rebuild -p and send me the output, along with the filenames + package names that don't work. There are red x all over the screen? is that an error? - nope. thats portage doing the right thing. Scary, isn't it? This is unsafe. - see MD5SUM in the dir, and MD5SUM.asc to verify that the md5's haven't changed. Thats the best I can offer. Does this even work? - We have a few testers that have reported bugs and successess. Overall its been quite good. This is so not Gentoo! -I cut the install down to about an hour, and that includes Gnome, Mozilla, Open Office . Thats a choice I -like- to be able to make. Cool! What can I do? - Reinstall stuffs and try it out? See how things work. Tell me of packages you'd want to see built like this. Even come close to suggesting OpenOffice and I'll....... What issues are there? - A lot of developers are lazy and haven't accorded for "hidden dependencies" and just trust autodetection magic for packages. This causes strange runtime dependencies that arent reproducible at all times. This is the most annoying thing I've been batteling throughout this. Regards Spider at behalf of the Chinstrap project -- begin .signature This is a .signature virus! Please copy me into your .signature! See Microsoft KB Article Q265230 for more information. end