Okay, I spoke up a while ago about this, and came with correct and suggested syntax for theese problems, but there seems to be a LOT of cruft in the tree anyhow. I did some grep for "gtk2" IUSE statements, and went through them all. I'm sad to say that the majority of all ebuilds i found have severe logic flaws. Thats correct, Most of the builds -DONT- work either as they should nor as intended. Here is a list of broken ebuilds ( i tried to just get the latest version ) , comments on -why- they are broken, and how it should be done. I dont have explicit knowledge about all theese builds, so some may be special cases, but far from all are. ATTN DEVS! I want you all who are -responsible- for theese to go through and fix this. ASAP. I could just as well have gone through all theese myself and checked in the changes, but noone would learn what they were doing right by me just fixing things for them. Thats why I want the various maintainers to have looks at it and fix. This way I hope I will Never have to face this problem again. If I find more builds with the same logic flaws in the future, I will hard mask said builds and bug the maintainers in private, but this is a wide sweep and I grabbed all of those that were on my list, checked and signed up here. If you feel overwhelmed by the stuff you have, I'm sure there are bored people around who want a go at cleaning things out, Just say so and it will be fixed, we're a community after all. But, I feel like a grumpy old man now after wading through errors and bugs (and bugzilla was too slow for me to even be usable, or you would have had bugs a plenty there too. Hah, saved you were ;) so do take the time to check the list, see what mistakes others have made, And Dont Repeat Them. Regards, Spider -- begin .signature This is a .signature virus! Please copy me into your .signature! See Microsoft KB Article Q265230 for more information. end