I'd say I prefer frank responses to other, however I've been of the opinion that in the written sense, most people don't type as fast they think or speak. Therefore some of the things I've heard here in the past, while they may be considered candid or frank in a face-to-face situation, have a different light in a written sense, as I think some of us may subconciously believe that thought was put into what we write, and makes it take on a pointed feel. The point I was illustrating in the aspect of user/dev relations can be summed up in this slightly amusing anecdote- One Christmas vacation, about ten or so years ago, I was at a company holiday party, with a compatriot not employed by employer, where we immediately fell to consuming a fair amount of alcoholic beverages (read open bar). My employers daughter was a rather foul snooty individual with a unique way of phrasing thing in a particularly unladylike manner. She approached us and began to issue some orders on things she insisted be done immediately. My buddy, not working for her or her father, and myself, not on the clock, company property, or even on her residence, took offense at her tone and proceeded to tell her as much in a much ungentlemanly way. (I did say open bar). My opinions were my own at the time as well, yet I'll give ya a guess at who got the first pink-slip close to lay-off time:) -- Chuck Brewer Registered Linux User #284015 Get my gpg public key at pgp.mit.edu!! Encrypted e-mail preferred.