Is it me, or does it seem like when there are less than popular suggestions, there are often more nasty replies or flame-tinted repsonses from the developers, or am I just overly sensitive? I would also like to add some bait to this: I dont care about the slocate thing myself, I rarely use it, but a renicing has a great effect on performance.Would like to have messages logged somewhere, as I sleep through updates, consequently, never knew it was beeping?:) Agree on the kernel thing, but it got remedied, for the most part. The /etc/issue thing- we didn't have it for a long ass time, somebody made some neat gentoo artwork, and it became standard.Whoopee. A quick fix for that I had was to "echo ^[[2J^[[f > /etc/issue" from local.start and not only does it keep anything from being displayed, it makes sure the screen is blanked after logout. I like being Unix compatible, but not so to the point of we must include everything I might ever see on a Unix anywhere. Simply providing access to install the packages that I might expect to find on a Unix box is enough. Also noted somebody said "Debian provides..." yeesh, lets not take our distro cues from there please. -- Chuck Brewer Registered Linux User #284015 Get my gpg public key at!! Encrypted e-mail preferred.