begin quote On Tue, 21 Oct 2003 20:44:23 -0700 "C. Brewer" wrote: > On Tuesday 21 October 2003 3:25, Spider wrote: > > begin quote > > > Then fix pcmcia-cs and alsa-driver before you suggest anything. as > > it is, my machine won't boot properly without pcmcia-cs -and- alsa, > > as they IRQ conflict unless loaded in a certain order. > Excuse me? "I" should fix these? Because, they are two of the problematic builds that are affected by your suggested way of fixing, or breaking, things. This was not personally directed at you, but taken out as examples of packages that can't just depend on "What am I running right now" Because of how they work. > > And no, you won't get me to emerge it with > > SLOT="purple-gnomes-2.4.44" either, Just because I sat down and got > > my own kerneltree installed into > > usr/src/testkernelwithextraJFSpatches , and then loose my existing , > > working, tried kernelset. > > Okay, this part comes across barely intelligible, but if it helps > substitute TARGET= for SLOT=.. of course I did point out it was a > suggestion, not a solution, and you have offered up what > counterproposal? Curently my counterproposal is to actually have the usr/src/linux symlink directed at the target kernel, and if that link isn't found, assume that we want the running kernel instead, and repoint it at lib/modules/`uname -r`/build Just because usr/src/linux is a symlink in our case, why is that worse than following and relying on the /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build symlink? The name? if that's the case, we could well make the symlink named "Target" and instead just confuse people more. > > When you get this set to -automagically- detect the target kernel., > > build modules and fix. then ok. > > Again with the when "i" thing... Yes, I'm of the old school , I -assume- that people who suggest a way of doing things, also have tried it themselves, or are capable of implementing it. When you don't have that situation, you get "Designed by Commite" solutions that may sound good, but are in fact unworkable. > But I guess I'm just the stupid end user with no say, I guess? > Atleast when I'm being a prick, I only represent me. The personal form "i" which I used througout the whole email suggests that in this case it is my personal opinion. To assume that it is that of a team, whom I've been sent forth to represent, is plain silly. And, in my not overly humble opinion, You have just as much to say as anyone else. Its not about your email address. //Spider -- begin .signature This is a .signature virus! Please copy me into your .signature! See Microsoft KB Article Q265230 for more information. end