I was mistaken, there are only four installed. I was somewhat aware of the why, but my concern lay in qpkg's lies: # qpkg -q -I -nc db sys-libs/db-3.2.9-r6 DEPENDED ON BY: perl-5.8.1-r2 python-2.2.3-r3 postfix-2.0.16-r1 libperl-5.8.1 sys-libs/db-1.85-r1 DEPENDED ON BY: perl-5.8.1-r2 python-2.2.3-r3 postfix-2.0.16-r1 libperl-5.8.1 sys-libs/db-4.0.14-r2 DEPENDED ON BY: perl-5.8.1-r2 python-2.2.3-r3 postfix-2.0.16-r1 libperl-5.8.1 sys-libs/db-4.1.25_p1-r2 DEPENDED ON BY: perl-5.8.1-r2 python-2.2.3-r3 postfix-2.0.16-r1 libperl-5.8.1 IIRC, these four, which represents the sum of stuff I have linked to db, call for db3 in the ebuilds. I dont mind testing the new, if something I used linked to it, and I am used to seeing at least the two copies that have been haunting for awhile(db1.85 and db3), but would it be possible to find out truthfully what is actually linked and to unmerge/mask/crucify the others? -- Chuck Brewer Registered Linux User #284015 Get my gpg public key at pgp.mit.edu!! Encrypted e-mail preferred.