> because a number of other packages want to see /usr/src/linux for the > running kernel. lm-sensors, vmware, nvidia, ... I was referring to the ordinary packages (not the kernels) when talking about moving the unpacked source from /var/tmp/portage/*/work to /usr/src. As it's almost always necessary for user-interaction when configuring the kernel it's needed for the source of the kernel to remain in /usr/src and not be removed as soon as emerge is finished doing it's thing. But the ordinary packages' source-code can be safely removed after the merge (if you don't want to do something special to the source in case you would use the ebuild-command instead). I thought it was pretty clear what I meant in my previous post... > I do agree that some effort should be put into fixing the unwanted > effects that occur when you install another kernel though (haveing to > reinstall all kernel related packages, and unable to keep already > installed versions) - I am sure someone must have had a bug against > that one. I'm sure alot of people do =) As am I. > On Sun, 2003-10-05 at 02:27, Patrick Börjesson wrote: > > > In theory, Portage could track them if ebuild could be modified to > > > use/usr/src/pkg when it existed instead of /var/tmp/portage/*/work > > > and the application was installed via 'ebuild pkg merge'. I'm not > > > sure how possible that would be for implementation, though. > > > > But then the question is: Why? We already have the source unpacked > > in/var/tmp/portage/*/work so why "move" it to /usr/src? There are > > already ways for people to do the configure- and make-steps them > > selves if they Patrick Börjesson -- Public key id: 4C5AB0BF Public key available at search.keyserver.net[:11371]