> In theory, Portage could track them if ebuild could be modified to use > /usr/src/pkg when it existed instead of /var/tmp/portage/*/work and > the application was installed via 'ebuild pkg merge'. I'm not sure how > possible that would be for implementation, though. But then the question is: Why? We already have the source unpacked in /var/tmp/portage/*/work so why "move" it to /usr/src? There are already ways for people to do the configure- and make-steps them selves if they wish (through the ebuild-command as you yourself said). As I see it there would be no advantage reimplementing it the proposed way... As for the kernels to be auto-configured, why not do it the same way as some other packages do it: have an extra section in the ebuild that configures the kernel for you through genkernel... Several other packages already have this section (think it's called config) including postresql. This could be advertised in the same way as in the postresql-ebuild at the end of the emerge-command, and thus everybody has a choice in how they would like to configure and compile the kernel. Patrick Börjesson -- Public key id: 4C5AB0BF Public key available at search.keyserver.net[:11371]