I thought I'd drop some input on this..I personally have a copy of rpm2targz copied into my home dir in which all I did was change- dd ibs=`rpmoffset < $i` skip=1 if=$i 2> /dev/null | gzip -dc > $ofn to- dd ibs=`rpmoffset < $i` skip=1 if=$i 2> /dev/null | bzip2 -dc > $ofn because SuSe isn't the only ones to bzip2 their rpms (cant remember the others right off), but I bet if someone took the time to make another case in the script that dropped down to the bzip2 on the gzip failure, it wouldn't require any of those complicated suggestions noted in the bug. I have neither the time or the inclination to do it myself, but it shouldn't be too hard:) __ Chuck Brewer Registered Linux User #284015 Get my gpg public key at pgp.mit.edu!! Encrypted e-mail preferred.