On 09/28/03 Jason Stubbs wrote: > Hello all, > > There is a discepancy in the way that mm-sources and > development-sources handles virtual/alsa. Have a look: > > bash-2.05b$ grep alsa /usr/portage/sys-kernel/development-sources/ > development-sources-2.6.0_beta5-r11.ebuild > IUSE="alsa" > [ -n "$(use alsa)" ] && PROVIDE="${PROVIDE} virtual/alsa" > > bash-2.05b$ grep alsa /usr/portage/sys-kernel/mm-sources/ > mm-sources-2.6.0_beta5-r4.ebuild > virtual/alsa" > > In other words, development-sources will provide virtual/alsa only if > the use flag is set when it is emerged. mm-sources, however, will > provide virtual/ alsa regardless. Which is the correct behaviour? > > Personally, I think mm-sources is the better option. The reason being > if a user decides to use alsa after emerging development-sources by > adding alsa to the use flags, portage will see no virtual/alsa and try > and pull in alsa-driver. > > Any opinions before I post a bug? PROVIDE should not be conditional and it doesn't even make sense in this case as the kernel has alsa modules independent of the alsa USE flag. So file a bug for development sources. Marius -- Public Key at http://www.genone.de/info/gpg-key.pub In the beginning, there was nothing. And God said, 'Let there be Light.' And there was still nothing, but you could see a bit better.