Folks -- Over the past few months, there have been a number of ideas tossed around about having this or that feature available to the developers. Off the top of my head, I can recall: * shared calendaring * shared addressbooks * web mail * workflow management/project management * wiki (internal and/or external) * php support for developer ~/ directories and the list goes on. The thing is, most of these are being requested by one or two developers and I have no idea if the group as a whole wants or needs them. Do we want a full-blown groupware system like phpGroupWare and/or eGroupWare? Do we want to implement the Horde framework? Or are we happy with what we have now? There used to be a lot of wiki proponents out there, but the verve seems to have died down a bit. Do folks still want one? We're finally getting to the point where we have some hardware to start offering new features and capabilities. Now we just need to decide what. I have a feeling that this email is going to bring a deluge of responses about "we should have this or that" with little, if any, consensus. So, I'm going to be a bit ruthless in this. If you simply say, "we should have , kthanx" and leave it at that, your request is likely to receive very little attention. If, on the other hand, you really believe we need some sort of capability and/or feature, then do your research, find the top 2-3 apps that provide that functionality, draw up the pros/cons in a summary of sorts and create a GLEP[1] for it. The other developers can discuss/vote on it and we'll take it from there. I don't promise to implement everything that gets voted up, simply because we need to ensure that all apps fit within our overall architecture, are secure, aren't resource hogs, etc. I do promise, however, to give those requests a lot more consideration than the "kthanx" requests. :) In this case, GLEPs speak louder than words. Some guidelines to consider related to our current infrastructure: * We (the infrastructure team) are responsible for supporting whatever new features that we (Gentoo) decide to implement. Thus, when it comes to deciding what does/doesn't get implemented on our servers, a very significant aspect of the overall decision making process is how easy things will be to maintain. Thus, suggestions that contain phrases like "and then write a series of custom modules to hook them all together" are far less likely to be approved than ones that contain phrases like "simply untar it, edit two conf files and it runs from there". * One thing I consider very carefully when implementing new applications is how well-supported they are in the OSS community. Apps which haven't been updated in over a year, have little activity on their mailing lists (or have no mailing lists) and do not have a strong community following are less likely to be approved. This is a *general guideline*, mind you, and not a firm rule. * Your participation in all of this is crucial. I realize we don't all have the time to research options, write up proposals, etc. Fine. But at least take the time to comment and vote on the other proposals that get put forth. I don't know what sort of infrastructure we want. I know what I want, but you all need to tell me (using the process above) what you want. Then, we can figure out what the best solution is for the entire team. --kurt [1]