On Wednesday 10 September 2003 16:14, Georgi Georgiev wrote: > On 10/09/2003 at 19:32:15(+0100), Gustavo Adolfo Silva Ribeiro Felisberto used 1.4K just to say: > > Is there a way to > > know the status of a particular service witought having to do a > > /etc/init.d/service status ? > > Currently, it seems you can check if there is a link in > /var/lib/init.d/started/ do not write anything that relies on that fact and expect it to be included in Gentoo ;) you can run `/etc/init.d/service status` ... but if you just want it for dependency information, just use the 'before after use' syntax in the depend() function ... review any script in /etc/init.d, chances are they'll have depend() -mike