begin quote On Sun, 24 Aug 2003 11:32:22 -0500 Alec Berryman wrote: > On Sun, 2003-08-24 at 03:59, Spider wrote: > > Shouldn't system be as close to a POSIX compliant Unix as possible? > > Or perhaps LSB? If others want minimalism, let them create their > > own profiles?(Its not difficult. really). > > Some interesting programs I found under the "Commands & Utilities" > section of the LSB > ( > OMMAND): > > crontab > egrep & fgrep > lpr > make > man > rsync > tar > > Note that the LSB does not include bzip. No, but portage does in any case ;) But, Am I the only one who sees an advantage in moving the default profiles to LSB compliance, and providing an alternated "light" one for the cases that want them? (heck, if you dislike dhcpcd I'm pretty sure you don't want the bloat of glibc either, go for uclibc. ;) but sarcasm aside, the suggestion is serious. //Spider -- begin .signature This is a .signature virus! Please copy me into your .signature! See Microsoft KB Article Q265230 for more information. end