On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 01:36:29AM -0400, Stewart Honsberger wrote:
> I'm of the opinion that we have to set barriers; lines in the sand, if
> you will. "This is how friendly we will become" and stick to those
> boundaries. This would, of course, also help with the consistency issues
> that are raised weekly on this list. ;>

You can't say that "this is how friendly we will become" since friendlyness
(and userfriendlyness) are subjective terms. However, I totally agree if you
set out that, for instance, after installing Gentoo, the average user should
be able to
	- create and modify partition tables
	- configure a kernel
	- ...

This is not talking about friendlyness, but about end terms (cf. courses on
highschools and universities).

	Sven Vermeulen

    Save some animals, eat a vegetarian.