On 15.08.03 07:31 Marius Mauch wrote: > I wrote a small prototype for that, but it needs support from the > GLSA guys as it is very difficult to get the GLSA from a script as > they are only published at different mailing lists and the forums. > Another issue is that my script works with XML versions of GLSA, so > someone needs to convert the plaintext versions. > Code, DTD and sample XML GLSA are available at > http://gentoo.devel-net.org/glsa/ . Very nice. I like the idea of automagical security updates. It should be easy (and I could do it in .sh or .pl, but not .py; shall I?) to write a script which converts the plain, unmodified GLSAs to your parsable XML format. Then maybe a GLSA-portage category would be nice? (Or does this exist already?) Regards Tobias -- GPG-Key: 0xEF37FF28 (1024/4096 - DSA/ELG-E) Fingerprint: 3C4B 155F 2621 CEAF D3A6 0CCB 937C 9597 EF37 FF28