I'd like to say I've always considered the version cat'd into /etc/gentoo-release as the definitive version. Since packages change every day, baselayout is certainly more rare in it's updates. Considering that, and that fact that on a baselayout update most,if not sometimes all, of your core configuration files are either altered or presented for trivial updates, I consider this to be true versioning. I also believe that the rc should be changed to prc (packaged release candidate) solely on the fact that it is just basically a prepacked timesaver for the regular joe. The ambitious have and will continue to either burn their own stage one-three or get the tarballs and hack it together in their own fashion. I think the change to prc would reflect the " this is the approved package set-up during the 1.4 phase of baselayout " rather than the "oh no, a new version,we gotta upgrade " paranoia. Or I could be paranoid myself..... -- Chuck Brewer Registered Linux User #284015 Get my gpg public key at pgp.mit.edu!! Encrypted e-mail preferred.