On Thursday 14 August 2003 03:20 pm, Owen Gunden wrote: > On Thu, Aug 14, 2003 at 10:58:35PM +0200, Spider wrote: > > None, there wouldn't be any difference at all in your system. 1.4 is > > the package release and the livecd's, not the resulting systems. > > This kind of question comes up all the time. I often wonder if it's not a > waste of effort to try and force gentoo into a notion of "releases", when > it's so unnatural to do so. > > It would be cool to come up with some other, more gentoo-ish way of > expressing progress in the distribution. > > Ideas anyone? Or am I being a total kook? > > Owen This notion has been expressed over and over again -- and it's a very good one. I, too, think that Gentoo should move away from the concept of definitive releases. However, it would be very hard to distinguish landmark releases from eachother without some sort of versioning system. Also, sometimes something very major happens in Linux that requires the separation of landmark releases for the sake of system sanity (think gcc 2.x.x -> gcc 3.x.x). I really have no ideas on how else it should be done, but it does need a change. Some users feel obligated to reinstall, and do so needlessly. -- Zack Gilburd http://tehunlose.com GnuPG Key ID: A79A45668240AB6C