> >> Is there some way to set package-specific USE-flags in some > >config-file> somewhere so I don't have to give it manually on the > >command-line each> and every time I want to reemerge or upgrade the > >package?=20 > > The patch is available at: > > http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3D13616 > > Any feedback you may have is greatly appreciated. > I must be missing something. I went and downloaded the patch, patched /usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/portage.py, created and edited /etc/portage/package.use to my preference (according to the syntax given in the bug-page) but emerge --info won't give me the output I want. Is there something else I should do in order for it to work? /etc/portage/package.use is attached to see if you can find something wrong with it. I began with a _very_ simple config =) By the way, why isn't this feature being incorporated in the official portage-release? You've apparently gotten some response from official gentoo-developers. Thanks in advance, Patrick Börjesson -- Public key id: 4C5AB0BF Public key available at search.keyserver.net[:11371]