Hi All, I have a couple of new developer announcements to make. Avenj will be following up with a few more in the next day or so. First up is warpzero (Joshua Charles Campbell) aka warp\0x00\ on irc. He hails from montana. He traced Lewis & Clark's expedition recently, but extended it to travel the world. During his travels he learnt many languages and has now started developing his own, called SL. Er, the last part is true, by the way. We will be hosting his project off the main www site soon, but in the meanwhile, you can check http://dev.gentoo.org/~warpzero for details. Next up is gregf (Greg Fitzgerald). He's a mysterious sort, so I don't quite know where he's from. However, in his spare time, when he's not hacking on gentoo related things, he's taken up knitting, which he quite enjoys and says "brings me zen." He is part of the printing team with Lordvan, but is also very very interested in the net-mail set of packages. He ha been talking to me about forming a net-mail herd, and so I'd like everyone who's dealing with the net-mail category to please convene and get that category organised with developers/maintainers. Greg is itching to get started, so I say, run with it, baby. Thanks for your attention, please make them feel welcome. -- Seemant Kulleen Developer and Project Co-ordinator, Gentoo Linux http://dev.gentoo.org/~seemant Public Key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x3458780E Key fingerprint = 23A9 7CB5 9BBB 4F8D 549B 6593 EDA2 65D8 3458 780E