foul language and high tempers -- this thread has degenerated.

For those of you interested in gcc 3.3 bugs, mosey on over to query for gcc 3.3 and you'll be presented with your list that you ask for. 

As for the rest of it, whether you choose to believe it or not, we ARE working towards getting information to be more accessible.  We're sorry it's not here right now, on several websites in 50 languages.  But such a thing is on its way.  The infrastructure (hardware, bandwidth, software) has been in development (no, please don't make sarcastic statements putting words in my mouth that we're building our own pc's and fiber optic cables, thanks) for a couple of months now.

As for clearly defined 1.4 goals, someone can repost them.

Seemant Kulleen
Developer and Project Co-ordinator,
Gentoo Linux

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