> Just thinking it would be nice to have a xinetd USE flag which causes all > daemons to configure themselves as xinetd services... Is there any reason > why this would be a bad idea or why it doesn't exist? Sounds great to me. I run a lot of services that don't get used all that often. When I get a bit more time I'll double check some of the scripts I've written and add a few ebuilds. I'm assuming this is going to be a buy-in service like everything else in gentoo. great idea, Daniel -- Proudly a Gentoo User. GnuPG/PGP signed and encrypted email preferred http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x32A64DC8 Key fingerprint = 2300 3292 3351 9665 D41B DC20 4C34 9BB6 32A6 4DC8