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From: Evan Powers <>
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 19:39:36 -0400
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Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] speeding up emerge sync...and being nice to the mirrors
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On Thursday 15 May 2003 01:10 pm, Bj=F6rn Lindstr=F6m wrote:
> Stanislav Brabec <> writes:
> > Once you download "official tar.gz" (you have to have identical bit
> > image; or tar set - to be more patient to  machines with few memory) =
> > later download only incremetal deltas.
> Wouldn't this still break pretty easily as soon as you change anything
> in your local portage copy?

Yeah, I'll second this viewpoint. Managing generation and storage of thes=
xdeltas on the server side and their application on the client side would=
more pain than it's worth, in my opinion.

I have a more interesting problem to pose, however. I haven't actually wo=
out the math to see if it's a practical problem (and I couldn't without=20
real-world numbers), but it's still sufficiently interesting to post.

Practically, would switching to xdelta result in /greater/ server load?

The summary of the following is that rsync has a certain overhead p, whil=
e the=20
overhead of xdelta depends on the minimum period between each xdelta--the=
greater the time separation, the smaller the overhead. But people want to=
sync with a certain frequency, and /have to/ sync with another frequency.=
Presumably the greatest achievable efficiency with xdelta isn't too much=20
greater than the greatest achievable efficiency with rsync (based on what=
know of the rsync algorithm). Therefore it's quite possible that xdelta h=
more overhead at the "want to" and "have to" frequencies than rsync.

Let's say we have a portage tree A, the official one, and B, some user's.=
t be time. A(t) is constantly changing, and the user wants his B(t) to al=
be approximately equal to A(t) within some error factor.

Let Dr(A(ta),B(tb)) be the amount of data transferred by rsync between A =
B's locations, and let Dx be defined similarly for xdelta. Lets further m=
the simplifying assumption that Dr=3D(1+p)*Dx, where p has some constant =
when averaged over all users syncing their trees (p stands for percentage=

To accomplish his within-some-error goal, the user periodically synchroni=
his B(t) with the value of A(t) at that moment. Before the synchronizatio=
B(tb) =3D A(t0), where t0 is the present and tb < t0.

Consider rsync. He starts up one rsync connection, which computes some de=
Dr(A(t0),B(tb)) and transfers it. Now B(t0) =3D A(t0) with some very smal=
error, since A(t) constantly evolves.

Taken in aggregate, the server "spends" 1 connection per sync per person =
Dr bytes of bandwidth.

Consider xdelta. Say xdeltas are made periodically every T1 and T2 units =
time. If you last synced longer than T2 units of time ago, you have to=20
download the entire portage tree again.

He downloads the delta list from somewhere (1 connection). Several things=
now happen:
* 0 < t0-tb < T1
=09he must download on average N1 new T1 xdeltas, at average size S1
* T1 < t0-tb < T2
=09he must revert some of his T1 xdeltas
=09download 1 new T2 delta at average size S2
=09download N2 new T1 deltas
* T2 < t0-tb
=09he must download 1 new portage tree at average size S3

Okay, so the server spends either
* 1+N1 connections and N1*S1 bytes
* 2+N2 connections and N2*S1+S2 bytes
* 2 connection and S3 bytes
(ignoring the size of the delta list)

Say the probabilities of each of these three situations with an arbitrary=
are P1, P2, and P3 respectively.

Taken in aggregate, the server spends P1*N1+P2*(1+N2)+P3 connections per =
per person and Dx_r =3D P1*N1*S1+P2*(N2*S1+S2)+P3*S3 bytes of bandwidth p=
sync per person. (Dx_r stands for Dx realized).

So, when is Dr < Dx_r?

The trivial solutions:

1) Disk space is "worth" a lot on the servers. (More under #3.)

2) Connections are "worth" a lot to the servers.

3) Appropriately chosen values of P1, P2, and P3 can make Dr < Dx_r. The=20
solution is to add a T3, T4, ..., Tn until Pn is sufficiently small. But =
might not be feasible, since additional levels of deltas increase the siz=
e of=20
the data each portage tree server must store considerably. (It ought to b=
exponential with the number of levels, but I haven't worked that out.) Th=
probably isn't a major problem, you could store the larger deltas only on=
larger servers.

The fascinating solution:

4) Note that Dx_r !=3D Dx, and in fact might be considerably greater. The=
is that if I change something in the tree and then T1 time later change t=
same thing again, there's overlap in two deltas. 2*S1 > S2. Moreover, thi=
sort of overhead is intrinsic: one delta between two times far apart is=20
always smaller than many deltas between two times far apart. You want to=20
compute xdeltas as infrequently as possible, but you don't have that=20
option--the minimum error between A(t0) and B(t0) can't be too great.

Rsync's algorithm can always manage Dr=3Dp*Dx, irregardless of the size o=
f the=20
time difference tb-t0. (Remember Dx is the optimal delta size for that ti=

To achieve very small errors, you have to make lots of xdeltas with small=
differences. But as the time differences increase, the amount of overlap=20
increases. So Dx_r becomes a better approximation for Dx as the time=20
difference tb-t0 increases, and as tb-t0 decreases it becomes increasingl=
likely that Dr < Dx_r.

Stratifying your deltas (i.e., times T1, T2, etc.) can mitigate this=20
disadvantage, but you pay for that mitigation in nonlinear growth in the=20
amount of data you have to store on the server as the maximum period of y=
deltas increases.

So, in summary, there's /always/ at least one zero to the rsync overhead =
xdelta overhead function. Rsync is always better for some regions of real=
world situations, and xdelta is always better for others. The question is=
which region is Gentoo in?

I don't think that question has an obvious answer. It depends on many thi=
one of them being whether xdelta is dramatically better than rsync for th=
kinds of modifications people make to portage, and another being how much=
disk space on and connections to the portage mirrors are really "worth".


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