--- emerge	2003-05-01 14:47:56.000000000 +0200
+++ emerge-interactive	2003-05-01 02:32:10.000000000 +0200
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
 "--changelog",    "--columns",
 "--debug",        "--deep",
 "--emptytree",    "--fetchonly",
-"--help",         "--noconfmem",
+"--help",         "--interactive",    "--noconfmem",
 "--nodeps",       "--noreplace",
 "--nospinner",    "--oneshot",
 "--onlydeps",     "--pretend",
 "--quiet",        "--resume",
 "--searchdesc",   "--selective",
-"--update",       "--upgradeonly",
+"--update",       "--upgradeonly",    "--usecustom",
 "--usepkg",       "--usepkgonly",
 "--verbose",      "--version"
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
+"i":"--inject",    "I":"--interactive",
 "k":"--usepkg",    "K":"--usepkgonly",
@@ -1095,6 +1095,8 @@
 			#the last argument in the portage.doebuild() tells doebuild to *not* do dep checking
 			#(emerge is already handling that)
 			if not "--pretend" in myopts:
 				print ">>> emerge ("+str(mergecount)+" of "+str(len(mymergelist))+")",x[2],"to",x[1]
@@ -1820,6 +1822,171 @@
 			print darkgreen("emerge: It seems we have nothing to resume...")
+		if myaction not in ["system","world"]:
+			if not myfiles:
+				print "emerge: please tell me what to do."
+				help()
+				sys.exit(1)
+				#we don't have any files to process; skip this step and exit
+		if "--interactive" in myopts:
+			print ">>> Per packages interactive USE management"
+			mydepgraph = depgraph (myaction,myopts)
+			if myaction not in ["system","world"]:
+				ret,files = mydepgraph.select_files (myfiles)
+			else:
+				if not mydepgraph.xcreate(myaction):
+					print "!!! Depgraph creation failed."
+					sys.exit(1)
+			mygraph = mydepgraph.digraph.copy()
+			retlist = mygraph.dict.keys()
+			files = []
+			for i in retlist:
+				i = string.split (i)
+				if i[1] == "blocks":
+					print "!!! Error: Conflict problem..."
+					sys.exit(1)
+				if i[3] == "merge":
+					if myaction not in ["system","world"]:
+						for j in mygraph.dict.keys():
+							try:
+								files.index(string.split(j,' '))
+							except:
+								files.append(string.split(j,' '))
+					else:
+						try:
+							files.index(i)
+						except:
+							files.append(i)
+			for x in files:
+				t=portage.portdb.xmatch("bestmatch-visible",x[2])
+				if t != '':
+					x=t
+				print ">>> Interactive mode for "+green(x[2])
+				useruse=[]
+				explode = string.split (x[2],"/")
+				mycat=explode[0]
+				mypkg=explode[1]
+				if "--update" not in myopts:
+					whichpkg = mypkg
+					whichcat = mycat
+				else:
+					# we take the old package USECUSTOM
+					myoldbest=portage.best(portage.db[x[1]]["vartree"].dbapi.match(portage.pkgsplit(x[2])[0]))
+					myoldbest = string.split (myoldbest,'/')
+					whichcat = myoldbest[0]
+					whichpkg = myoldbest[1]
+				mydblink = portage.dblink (whichcat,whichpkg,'/var/tmp/portage')
+				usecustom = mydblink.getelements("USECUSTOM")
+				do_ask=1
+				if usecustom != [] and "--usecustom" not in myopts:
+					to_print = "Use previous USE flags for this package? ("
+					for u in usecustom:
+						if u != "":
+							if u[0] == '-':
+								to_print = to_print+blue(u)
+							else:
+								to_print = to_print+green("+"+u)
+							to_print = to_print+" "
+					choice = raw_input (to_print+") [Y/n] ").lower ()
+					if choice != '':
+						if choice[0] == 'y':
+							do_ask=0
+						elif choice[0] != 'n':
+							print red("Bad input -- assume no")
+					else:
+						do_ask=0
+				elif usecustom == [] and "--usecustom" in myopts:
+					do_ask = 1
+				elif usecustom != [] and "--usecustom" in myopts:
+					do_ask = 0
+				if do_ask == 0:
+					for u in usecustom:
+						if u != "":
+							if u[0] == '-':
+								try:
+									portage.usesplit.remove(u[1:])
+								except:
+									""
+							else:
+								try:
+									portage.usesplit.remove("-"+u)
+								except:
+									""
+							try:
+								portage.usesplit.remove(u)
+							except:
+								""
+							portage.usesplit.append(u)
+				if do_ask == 1:
+					for ebuild_iuse in string.split(portage.portdb.aux_get(x[2],["IUSE"])[0], " "):
+						if ebuild_iuse != "":
+							to_print = "Use "+ebuild_iuse+"? ["
+							try:
+								if (portage.usesplit.index(ebuild_iuse) >= 0) :
+									default='y'
+									to_print = to_print+"Y/n"
+							except ValueError:
+								if ebuild_iuse != "":
+									default='n'
+									to_print = to_print+"y/N"
+							to_print = to_print+"]"
+							choice = raw_input (to_print+" ").lower ()
+							if choice == '':
+								state=default
+							else:
+								choice = choice[0]
+								if choice != default:
+									if choice == 'y':
+										print green('Enabled '+ebuild_iuse)
+										state='y'
+									elif choice == 'n':
+										print blue('Disabled '+ebuild_iuse)
+										state='n'
+									else:
+										print red('Bad input -- reverting to default... ('+default+')')
+										state=default
+								else:
+									state=default
+							# we remove the ebuild from usesplit (it will be append, with his value next)
+							try:
+								portage.usesplit.remove(ebuild_iuse)
+							except:
+								""
+							try:
+								portage.usesplit.remove('-'+ebuild_iuse)
+							except:
+								""
+							if state == 'n':
+								ebuild_iuse = '-'+ebuild_iuse
+							portage.usesplit.append(ebuild_iuse)
+							useruse.append(ebuild_iuse)
+					# save use settings to USECUSTOM
+					print ">>> Save USE settings"
+					mydblink=portage.dblink(mycat,mypkg,"/var/tmp/portage")
+					mydblink.setelements(useruse,"USECUSTOM")
+				portage.settings.configlist[-1]["USE"]=string.join(portage.usesplit," ")
+				print
 		if myaction in ["system","world"]:
 			print "Calculating",myaction,"dependencies  ",
@@ -1827,12 +1994,7 @@
 				print "!!! Depgraph creation failed."
 			print "\b\b ...done!"
-		else:
-			if not myfiles:
-				print "emerge: please tell me what to do."
-				help()
-				sys.exit(1)
-				#we don't have any files to process; skip this step and exit
+		if myaction not in ["system","world"]:	
 			print "Calculating dependencies  ",
 			if not retval: