Hi I was wondering about having several portage trees to allow external distributor having repositories of packages. Recently, people have been talking in this list about the difficult proccess of making a deploy of their packages. As we know, Debian uses this. Everyone can add a new source of packages to get installed to the system in a clear way. Just by putting deb lines into the sources.list. Now the portage have the possibility of using a different portage from PORTDIR_OVERLAY. It could be really useful, if we could use something like it In make.conf ------ PORT_SOURCES="rsync://source1 rsync://source2" ( it also could be useful if ftp:// is allowed to ( mirror command ) because setup an ftp server is much easier than a rsync one for several reasons like permissions ;) ) PORT_SOURCES_DIR=/usr/local/portages/ ------ So, after making an emerge rsync, we have: /usr/portage -> with the official gentoo portage mirror /usr/local/portages/source1 -> with the mirror of the source1 /usr/local/portages/source2 -> with the mirror of the source2 and so... So, when implementing, it could be used as the PORTDIR_OVERLAY ( with several trees allowed ). Is this too hard to implement? I think it solves a lot of complains about flexibility and edging of Gentoo. BR. Byez