On Sat, 19 Apr 2003 22:50:54 -0400 Evan Powers wrote: > 3) The install is probably the only thing in Gentoo someone slightly more > skilled than necessary to admin a Red Hat install wouldn't be capable of. If > that's true, why shouldn't we remove that barrier to entry? The point of > Gentoo is not the elite nature of its current user base. It's the technology > behind it. If we can give more classes of user access to our technology, why > shouldn't we? I'm all for this example. the reek of elitism has become pretty high on this list IMHO, with the snubbing of ideas, blowing off of peoples suggestions to improve this distro, the tendency to snap at people and slight them for their opinions seems to have become pretty commonplace here. Just because we don't write code for a living or have some dev-type email addy doesn't make any one of us less busy or less important, or less able to contribute. Besides, If I was looking for any of these things in a group of people on a ML, the already exist..they're just prefixed debian-* :) p.s.- I like the gentoo-user list, everyones grandma is trying to learn linux, which is what we all bitch about not enough of happening, and hell, when we already know the answers, it provides comedy and a good sense of community. So I say, bring on yer grandma!:P -- Chuck Brewer Registered Linux User #284015 Get my gpg public key at pgp.mit.edu!! Encrypted e-mail preferred.