On Wed, Mar 26, 2003 at 03:12:48AM -0600, Nick Jones wrote:
> > Hmm, that's a good point, it would have been much more visible if all
> > the notes were at the end of a large emerge, and perhaps also
> > automatically logged to a file somewhere for later review? I know this
> > would have personally also saved me many headaches if I had noticed the
> > output from vpopmail when I was trying to get it warning.
> PORT_LOGDIR=   <--- Look for that in make.conf
Umm, from what I can see, something is not consistant...
Looking at that because I had it before, some files contain just the
ewarn/einfo (which is what I wanted), but others contain the entire
merge output, which isn't wanted, and is wasteful unless you want it for
debugging purposes (15mb file for glibc).

Is PORT_LOGDIR supposed to contain just ewarn/einfo or the entire

Robin Hugh Johnson
E-Mail     : robbat2@orbis-terrarum.net
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