Begin forwarded message: Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2003 13:00:00 +0100 From: Johan Hattne To: Subject: The Gentoo ALSA Guide It's really great! I had ALSA up and running in no-time thanks to your documentation. I've had a lot more trouble with ALSA on other distributions. However, I think it would be appropriate to note that you have to unmute the channels after remerging the drivers when installing a fresh kernel (at the very end of the document). I realize it may be very obvious but it took my a long time to figure that out... // Cheers; Johan Hattne Student @ Biology Education Centre, Uppsala University _______________________________________________________________________________ Johan Hattne * Rackarbergsgatan 34:432 * S-752 32 UPPSALA * SWEDEN * 018-505684 Mol. Biotech. & Engineering Phys. * * Is this valid? I have not had to do this in the past.. Cheers, //zhen -- John P. Davis Gentoo Linux Documentation Coordinator / Bugzilla Administrator #gentoo-doc on