From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970
Return-Path: For most gentoo users, a simple mail client and fetchmail will do. How=
ever, if you're hosting a domain with your system, you'll need a full blown=
MTA (Mail Transfer Agent). And if you're hosting multiple domains, then yo=
u'll definitely need something more robust to handle all of the email for y=
our users. This system was designed to be an elegant solution to that probl=
em. A virtual mail system needs to be able to handle email for numerous do=
mains with multiple users over a variety of interfaces. This presents some =
issues that must be dealt with. For instance, what if you have two users on=
different domains that want the same user name? If you are providing imap =
access and smtp-auth, how do combine the various authentication daemons int=
o a single system? How do you provide security for the numerous components=
that comprise the system? How do you manage it all? This howto will show you how to set up with a mail system capable of h=
andling mail for as many domains as your hardware can handle, supports virt=
ual mail users that don't require shell accounts, has domain specific user =
names, can authenticate web, imap, smtp, and pop3 clients against a single =
database, utilizes ssl for transport layer security, has a web interface, c=
an handle mailing lists for any domain on the machine, and is controlled by=
a nice, central and easy mysql database. There are quite a variety of ways to go about setting up a virtual mai=
lhosting system. With so may options, another may be the best choice for yo=
ur specific needs. Consider investigating The following packages are used in this setup:
apache, courier-imap, pam_mysql, postfix, mod_php, mod_ssl, phpmyadmin, s=
quirrelmail, cyrus-sasl, mysql, php, and mailman. Make sure to turn on the following USE variables in After postfix is installed, it's time to configure it. Change the foll=
owing options in Next change the following in Next, edit Now that postfix is running, fire up your favorite console mail client=
and send yourself an email. I use Start up your favorite mail client and verify that all connections you=
've started work for receiving and sending mail. Now that the basics work, =
we're going to do a whole bunch of stuff at once to get the rest of the sys=
tem running. Again, please verify that what we've installed already works b=
efore progressing. Next we're going to install cyrus-sasl. Sasl is going to play the role=
of actually passing your auth variables to pam, which will in turn pass th=
at information to mysql for authentication of smtp users. For this howto, =
we'll not even try to verify that sasl is working until mysql is set up and=
contains a test user. Which is fine since we'll be authenticating against =
mysql in the end anyway. Just to get sasl installed is going to require a bit of hacking. Open =
up the ebuild file and change the configure flags to disable digest and cra=
m. Here's why: mail clients will try to authenticate against the Now check that the directory Next we're going to make a set of ssl certificates for postfix and apa=
che. Now edit the postfix config's to make it aware of your new sasl and ss=
l capabilities. Add the following parameters to the end of the file where t=
hey will be easy to find. Now we're going to verify that the config's we added were picked up by=
postfix. Verify that the above AUTH and STARTTLS lines now appear in your postf=
ix install. As I said before, as it stands now AUTH will not work. that's b=
ecause sasl will try to auth against it's sasldb, instead of the shadow fil=
e for some unknown reason, which we have not set up. So we're going to just=
plow through and set up mysql to hold all of our auth and virtual domain i=
Next we're going to install and configure MySQL. You'll need the Your new database has default values and tables set up for two domains=
. The following tables are included:
# emerge postfix
myhostname =3D $
mydomain =3D $
myorigin =3D $mydomain=20
inet_interfaces =3D all=20
mydestination =3D $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain $mydomain
relay_domains =3D $mydestination
mynetworks =3D,
local_destination_concurrency_limit =3D 2=20
default_destination_concurrency_limit =3D 10
# service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args
# (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (50)
smtp inet n - n - - smtpd -v
# /usr/bin/newaliases
# emerge courier-imap
# cd /etc/courier-imap
# courier-imapd start
# courier-imapd-ssl start
# courier-pop3d start
# courier-pop3d-ssl start
# cd /usr/portage/dev-libs/cyrus-sasl
# nano cyrus-sasl.$currentversion.ebuild
# mkdir /var/lib/sasl2
# cd /usr/lib/ssl/
# nano openssl.cnf
# nano /etc/postfix/
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable =3D yes
smtpd_sasl2_auth_enable =3D yes
smtpd_sasl_security_options =3D noanonymous
broken_sasl_auth_clients =3D yes=20
# telnet localhost 25
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Postfix
250-SIZE 10240000
telnet> quit
# emerge mysql
# /usr/sbin/mysql_install_db =20
Next we'll set up apache and add an interface to interact with the dat= abase more easily.
# emerge apache php mod_php mod_ssl phpmyadmin
There are plenty of guides out there about how to set up apache with p=
hp. Like this one:
Now we're going to install the Apache certificates we made previously.= The Apache-SSL directives that you need to use the resulting cert are:
# cp /usr/lib/ssl/misc/new.cert.cert /etc/apache/conf/ssl/ # cp /usr/lib/ssl/misc/new.cert.key /etc/apache/conf/ssl/ # nano /etc/apache/conf/vhosts/ssl.default-vhost.confChange the following parameters =09 ServerName ServerAdmin your@email.address SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache/conf/ssl/new.cert.cert SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache/conf/ssl/new.cert.key
Next, configure phpMyAdmin.
# nano /home/httpd/htdocs/phpmyadmin/ the following parameters =09 $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] =3D 'localhost'; // MySQL hostname $cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] =3D 'mailsql'; // MySQL control us= er settings // (this user must have read-only $cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] =3D '$password'; // access to the "mys= ql/user" // and "mysql/db" tables) $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] =3D 'mailsql'; // MySQL user $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] =3D '$password'; // MySQL password=20
Now enter the phpmyadmin page and browse the tables. You'll want to ad= d in your local aliases, edit your user table to add a test user, and chang= e your transport table to add information about your domains. The default v= alues supplied with the dumpfile should be a sufficient guide to what value= s need to go where. Make sure that if you put information in the database t= hat it is accurate. For instance, make sure the local users home dir exists= and that the correct uid/gid values are in place. The maildirs should be c= reated automatically by postfix when the user receives their first email. S= o, in general, it's a good idea to send a "Welcome" mail to a new user afte= r you setup their account to make sure the .maildir gets created.
At this point you may be wondering what user and directory to use for = virtual mail users, and rightly so. Let's set that up.
# adduser -d /home/vmail -s /bin/false vmail # uid=3D`cat /etc/passwd | grep vmail | cut -f 3 -d :` # groupadd -g $uid vmail # mkdir /home/vmail # chown vmail. /home/vmail
So now when you're setting up vmail accounts, use the vmail uid, gid, = and homedir. When you're setting up local accounts, use that users uid, gid= , and homedir. We've been meaning to create a php admin page for this setup= but haven't gotten around to it yet, as phpmyadmin generally works fine fo= r us.
Next we'll reconfigure our authentication to use the mailsql database = in courier-imap and postfix. In all of the following examples, replace $pa= ssword with the password you set for the mailsql mysql user.
# emerge /usr/portage/sys-libs/pam_mysql/pam_mysql-$currentversion.ebu= ild =09=09This package is currently masked so you'll have to give it an e= xplicit path or unmask the package. This is subject to change when the packa= ge is unmasked in the portage tree. # nano /etc/pam.d/imap =09Comment out the existing auth lines and add the following as sh= own. #auth required #auth required service=3Dsystem-auth #account required service=3Dsystem-auth #session required service=3Dsystem-auth auth optional server=3Dlocalhost db=3Dmailsql user= =3Dmailsql \ passwd=3D$password table=3Dusers usercolumn=3Demail passwdcolumn=3Dclea= r crypt=3Dn account required server=3Dlocalhost db=3Dmailsql user= =3Dmailsql \ passwd=3D$password table=3Dusers usercolumn=3Demail passwdcolumn=3Dclea= r crypt=3Dn # nano /etc/pam.d/pop3 # nano /etc/pam.d/smtp =09Make the same changes to the pop3 and smtp files
Next, we need to edit courier's authentication config's.
# nano /etc/courier-imap/authdaemonrc authmodulelist=3D"authmysql authpam" # nano /etc/courier-imap/authdaemond.conf AUTHDAEMOND=3D"authdaemond.mysql" # nano /etc/courier-imap/authmysqlrc MYSQL_SERVER localhost MYSQL_USERNAME mailsql MYSQL_PASSWORD $password MYSQL_DATABASE mailsql MYSQL_USER_TABLE users #MYSQL_CRYPT_PWFIELD crypt (make sure this is commented out since we'r= e storing plaintext) MYSQL_CLEAR_PWFIELD clear MYSQL_UID_FIELD uid MYSQL_GID_FIELD gid MYSQL_LOGIN_FIELD email MYSQL_HOME_FIELD homedir MYSQL_NAME_FIELD name MYSQL_MAILDIR_FIELD maildir # /etc/init.d/authdaemond restart # /etc/init.d/saslauthd restart
We're almost there I promise! Next, set up the rest of the necessary c= onfig's for postfix to interract with the database for all it's other trans= port needs.
# nano /etc/postfix/ # user =3D mailsql password =3D $password dbname =3D mailsql table =3D alias select_field =3D destination where_field =3D alias hosts =3D
# nano /etc/postfix/ # user =3D mailsql password =3D $password dbname =3D mailsql table =3D relocated select_field =3D destination where_field =3D email hosts =3D
# nano /etc/postfix/ =09 # user =3D mailsql password =3D $password dbname =3D mailsql table =3D transport select_field =3D destination where_field =3D domain hosts =3D
# nano /etc/postfix/ user =3D mailsql password =3D $password dbname =3D mailsql table =3D users select_field =3D gid where_field =3D email additional_conditions =3D and postfix =3D 'y' hosts =3D
# nano /etc/postfix/ user =3D mailsql password =3D $password dbname =3D mailsql table =3D users select_field =3D maildir where_field =3D email additional_conditions =3D and postfix =3D 'y' hosts =3D
# nano /etc/postfix/ # user =3D mailsql password =3D $password dbname =3D mailsql table =3D users select_field =3D uid where_field =3D email additional_conditions =3D and postfix =3D 'y' hosts =3D
# nano /etc/postfix/ # user =3D mailsql password =3D $password dbname =3D mailsql table =3D virtual select_field =3D destination where_field =3D email hosts =3D
Lastly, edit
# nano /etc/postfix/ alias_maps =3D mysql:/etc/postfix/ relocated_maps =3D mysql:/etc/postfix/ transport_maps =3D mysql:/etc/postfix/ virtual_gid_maps =3D mysql:/etc/postfix/ virtual_mailbox_maps =3D mysql:/etc/postfix/ virtual_maps =3D mysql:/etc/postfix/ virtual_uid_maps =3D mysql:/etc/postfix/
Shew! Alright now, let's restart postfix and see how all that went.
# postfix reload
Now, if all went well, you should have a functioning mailhost. Users s= hould be able to authenticate against the sql database, using their full em= ail address, for pop3, imap, and smtp. I would highly suggest that you veri= fy that everything is working at this point. If you run into problems (with= as many things as this setup has going on, it's likely that you will) chec= k the troubleshooting section of this howto.
# emerge squirrelmailI like to add a link to the htdocs space for a shorter url. # ln -s /home/httpd/htdocs/squirrelmail/ /home/httpd/htdocs/mail # cd /home/httpd/htdocs/mail/conf # ./ Change your Organization, Server, and Folder settings for squir= relmail. Now you should be able to login to squirrelmail, again - with y= our full email address, and use your new webmail setup.
Last step: mailman. The new version of mailman has very nice virtual d= omain support, which is why I use it, not to mention it's really a great pa= ckage.
=20# emerge mailman=09This package is currently masked as well, so you'll need to unm= ask it or give emerge an explicit path to the ebuild. Once it's installed, fol= low the directions in the README.gentoo # nano /usr/share/doc/mailman-$ver/README.gentoo =09Follow the rest of the install instructions in the README. Once that's finished, add your first list. # su mailman # cd ~ # bin/newlist
That script should spit out some aliases at you for postfix. Add those=
aliases to the alias table in mailsql. You'll be tempted to add colons to =
the alias names in mailsql (because that's how the script gives them to you=
) DON'T DO IT! It won't work if you do. You should now be able to setup mai=
ling lists for any domain on your box. When you log in to the mailman admin=
page for your new list, at the bottom of the general options page there is=
a space to declare what domain the list belongs to. With that selection yo=
u can add lists for any virtual domain you are hosting. Last note on this, =
make sure you run all mailman commands as the user mailman (
Ok, you're all set, edit
# postfix reload # rc-update add $service default
Troubleshooting: This is a short troubleshooting guide for the set up= we've detailed how to install here. It is not exhaustive, but meant as a p= lace to get you started in figuring out problems. With a complicated setup = such as this, it's imperative that you narrow down the problem to the parti= cular component that is malfunctioning. In general I do that by following a= few steps. Start from the base of the system and work your way up, ruling = out components that work along the way until you discover which component i= s having the problem.
Typos are killers, especially when dealing with authentication systems= . Scan your config's and mailsql database for typo's. You can debug all you= want, but if you're not passing the right information back and forth to yo= ur mail system, it's not going to work. If you make a change to a config fi= le for a service, make sure you restart that service so that the config cha= nge gets picked up.
=09# /etc/init.d/service restart
If it's not running, start it up. It's awful hard to debug a service t= hat isn't running. Sometimes a service will act like it's started but still= not function. Sometimes, when a bad config is used, or a bad transmission = comes into a mail component, the service will hang and keep the port from b= eing used by another process. Sometimes you can detect this with netstat. O= r, if you've been at it awhile, just take a break and reboot your box in th= e meantime. That will clear out any hung services. Then you can come back f= resh and try it again.
# /etc/init.d/$service status # netstat -a | grep $service (or $port)
If you've recently made a change to a config file, restart that servic= e to make sure it's using the current version. Some of the components will = dump their current config's to you, like postfix.
# apachectl fullstatus (needs lynx installed) # apachectl configtest (checks config sanity) # postconf (will tell you exactly what param's postfix is using) # /etc/init.d/$service restart=20
Repeat after me, logs are my friend. My next troubleshooting stop is a= lways the logs. Sometimes it's helpful to try a failed operation again then= check the logs so that the error message is right at the bottom (or top de= pending on your logger) instead of buried in there somewhere. See if there = is any information in your log that can help you diagnose the problem, or a= t the very least, figure out which component is having the problem.
# kill -USR1 `ps -C metalog -o pid=3D`(to turn off metalog bufferi= ng) # nano /var/log/everything/current # cat /var/log/mysql/mysql.log # tail /var/log/apache/error_log
SMTP, IMAP, and POP3 all respond to telnet sessions. As we've seen ear= lier when we verified postfix's config. Sometimes it's helpful to open a te= lnet session to the service itself and see what's happening.
# telnet localhost $port =09SMTP is 25, IMAP is 143, POP3 is 110. You should receive at lea= st an OK string, letting you know that the service is running and ready to respo= nd to requests. Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. * OK Courier-IMAP ready. Copyright 1998-2002 Double Precision, Inc. See = COPYING for distribution information.
You should have this installed anyway. This is an invaluable tool for = debugging software. You can start commands from the command line with strac= e and watch all the system calls as they happen. It often dumps a huge amou= nt of information, so you'll either need to watch it realtime as you retry = a failed transaction with the mail system, or dump the output to a file for= review.
# emerge strace # strace $command # strace -p `ps -C $service -o pid=3D`
Once you have the information, if you can diagnose and fix the problem= , great! If not, you'll probably need to go digging on the net for informat= ion that will help you fix it. Here's a list of sites you can check to see = if your error has already been resolved. There's also a really good howto o= n setting up smtp-auth which contains some great debugging ideas.