>> It should contain _EVERY_ reference you make to a USE variable. So if >> you check ncurses, it contains ncurses... if you check gtk, it contains >> gtk. It's presently unused, but required for upcoming features like >> rebuild-on-use-change. > > Could someone please clarify? It seems to me that the second is correct since > the first can already be inferred from the depend line, but if the compile on > USE change feature is only using the IUSE variable then the first would be > correct. carpaski didn't make himself clear enough. What he means by "if you check ncurses", he really means "if you use the 'ncurses' USE flag". Which in turn means that your ebuild can make _optional_ use of ncurses, but doesn't require it. In any case, the ebuild in your example needs to have IUSE="ssl", _not_ IUSE="ncurses ssl", since it absolutely _requires_ ncurses. Again, IUSE contains USE flags that the ebuild can make _optional_ use of. -- Maik Schreiber, Gentoo Linux Developer * http://www.gentoo.org mailto:blizzy@gentoo.org GPG public key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x1F11D713 Key fingerprint: CF19 AFCE 6E3D 5443 9599 18B5 5640 1F11 D713