For some funny (yet unknown) reason, the COUNTER files in /var/db/pkg on one of my boxes were messed up. This resulted in Portage wanted to uninstall package versions that just have been installed, or generally versions that are newer than others. To fix this, I've written a little script which you can find at It simply recalculates all COUNTERs from other existing /var/db/pkg info (ie. CONTENTS). WARNING: Make sure to backup your /var/db/pkg/* first! You don't need to backup /var/cache/edb/counter (which it also recreates), it can be deleted safely. (Someone please forward this message to gentoo-user. Thanks.) -- Maik Schreiber, Gentoo Linux Developer * GPG public key: Key fingerprint: CF19 AFCE 6E3D 5443 9599 18B5 5640 1F11 D713