On Sat, Dec 28, 2002 at 09:51:08AM -0600, Thomas T. Veldhouse wrote: > What's going on with the duplicates on this list? The below message has > arrived twice, one almost 10 hours after the first. Most likely the list server believed the message may not have been delivered, so it sent the message a second time on the assumption that two copies of the message is better than none. The reason it thinks this can be either something on its end or on yours. If you want no duplicates (note that this will cause you to only get one copy of messages that are sent both to you and to the list, as this message is), you can use this very simple procmail recipe: :0 Wh: msgid.lock | formail -D 8192 ${PMDIR}/msgid.cache I actually have this recipe applied after I filter lists into seperate Maildirs - before list filtering I use a modified version which applies only to mailing lists, thereby allowing group replies to be seen in both my inbox and the list. If you want to do that, copy this recipe to somewhere before you filter lists and change the cache and lock file names. Then add between the two lines above this condition line, or one rather like it which catches all mailing lists you receive: * (^(((X-)?Mailing-List)|List-Id):) Now if only spam were this easy to catch and kill.. ;) -- Joseph Carter If this sig were funny... there is 150 meg in the /tmp dir! DEAR LORD